Eliminates the most commonly encountered roadblocks in setting and alignment of goals and objectives, achieving perfect alignment of weighted and prioritized goals. This methodology facilitates perfect goal trickle-down throughout the organization, leading to a fast, collaborative, team-based approach to goals and objectives.
Addresses the most commonly encountered issues in performance management, leading to impartial, consistent, frequent performance reviews, unequivocal, undisputable feedback and corrective action planning on poor performance. XPePerform is a solid base for recognition programs, career path, and merit increases in a competitive environment. It also delivers aggregate yearly ratings, based on individual performance, and precise to the second decimal.
Deploys a comprehensive customer experience strategy that captures and uses all feedback, regardless of touch-point, delivering the
building blocks for customer-centric strategy design, and transforms the voice of customer into actionable data, leading to experience-based process redesign. Delivers an innovative, comprehensive approach to all aspects of customer experience design and improvement, and enhances the entire customer experience, from purchasing decision to product end of life.
Identifies, selects, or prioritizes multiple similar units from larger pools of said units, for example selecting the top performing employees out of the entire workforce, based on a complex, yet balanced scorecard of performance measures. An innovative, easy-to-use approach to complex business decision-making in perfect alignment with key performance indicators, XPeRank removes the bias from critical business decisions.
Keeps track of all process changes and their effects, in change-intensive environments, identifying the resulting effect of all process changes, direct and indirect, from independent or correlated processes, identifying, after the fact, the key process change leading to an unwanted result, and documenting process change, special cause and effect, and results, regardless of processes - finite or continuous, simple or complex, simultaneous or sequential.